I'm thrilled to be bringing some art workshops and mini day retreats to The Yoga Garden in West Sussex. Its such a peaceful setting...

Final day at COLONNADE HOUSE Worthing tomorrow! I'lll be there from 12 onwards! A wonderful botanical inspired group exhibition!

New cards!
Now in stock @sussexproducecompany message me direct for card sales £3 a card or £16.59 for 6. Waking from my slumber !

We've all discovered new ways of working and made new connections. Most artists are slowly starting to emerge and get work to galleries....

Virtual Open House 2020
This week im celebrating what would have benn my open house with @steyningarts. I imagined how artists work would look together and felt...

Teaching, courses, workshops. Artforever
Recently ive had time to explore work ive not had time for and am settling in to a new norm. I coincidentally started a new job teaching...

oils on board
oils on board, early days! revisiting oils in a new form. practice makes perfect- taking time to play whilst at home in Sussex. i visited...

print sale!
A rare photo of me at the Botanical artists exhibition W1 a few years ago exhibiting whispering grasses. I miss my gallery visits and...

the Makers fair- Brighton
We had a successful makers fair last week! great to collaberate with Claire Scott and show our work together for the first time!...

Cosmos. Botanical inspiration!
Im enjoying working in this colour pallet and starting a new series with black diamond dust, for added sparkle! A fter a successful art...